Supplementary files for A Model of the Probe Tone Data and Scalic Tonality

This page contains supplementary files for "A Model of the Probe Tone Data and Scalic Tonality".

MATLAB Routines

Four MATLAB routines are required to run the models. The routines are Probe_tone_models.m, which measures the fit of a variety of models to Krumhansl's probe tone data, and Tonic_finder_final.m, which models the affinity of a variety of probe pitches and chords with any arbitrary pitch class set using spectral pitch class similarity. The first routine calls the function Probe_tone_spectral_sim_model.m. Both routines call the function ExpectationMetrics.m.

Audio Examples

The following mp3 files are examples of the microtonal (22-TET) scales and cadences. The Roman numerals refer to the scale degrees (not pitch classes) relative to the proposed tonic (the tonic triad is, therefore, denoted I or i).

Porcupine.mp3 starts with the 1L, 6s well-formed scale in 22-TET, and is followed by two harmonic cadences. The scale starts and ends on the pitch class labelled 9 in the associated figure, then follows the cadence ii–i, then the cadence III7–i.

Srutal.mp3 starts with the 2L, 8s well-formed scale in 22-TET, and is followed by two harmonic cadences. The scale starts and ends on the pitch class labelled 2 in the associated figure, then follows the cadence VII–i, then the cadence II7–i.

Magic_1.mp3 starts with the 3L, 7s well-formed scale in 22-TET, and is followed by a harmonic cadence. The scale starts and ends on the pitch class labelled 2 in the associated figure, then follows the cadence VII–I.

Magic_2.mp3 starts with the 3L, 7s well-formed scale in 22-TET, and is followed by a harmonic cadence. The scale starts and ends on the pitch class labelled 9 in the associated figure, then follows the cadence VII–I.

Magic_3.mp3 starts with the 3L, 7s well-formed scale in 22-TET, and is followed by a harmonic cadence. The scale starts and ends on the pitch class labelled 9 in the associated figure, then follows the cadence VII–i.

Hex Project Files

The MIDI for these audio files was sequenced in Hex, and played by the synthesizers The Viking (Pipe preset) and 2032 (Harpsichord preset transposed up one octave). These applications can be downloaded from, where further information about using them can be found. I have made the .hxp project files available because opening these in Hex, clearly illustrates the structure and tunings of the pitches in each of the above well-formed scales.




